Bullying Information
We are proud to announce that 6th- 8th grade students have received Expect Respect training! Our goal with this program is to empower students to positively impact the social environment in our school and create a culture of kindness. We help students accomplish this by teaching them specific skills and including them in discussions about how these issues can best be addressed. We taught the students the following steps to implement in order to decrease bullying behavior in our school:
- If you feel disrespected, tell the person who is being disrespectful to “stop”. If they do not stop, decide whether to ignore it or seek support from an adult.
- If you see someone being disrespected/bullied, be an UPSTANDER by telling the person who is being disrespectful to “stop”. Encourage the recipient to walk away from the situation and get help if needed.
- If someone tells you to “stop”- stop, even if you don’t think you are doing anything wrong. Say “okay” and move on with your day.
- If the problem continues, seek support from an adult.
Parents, if your student reports a situation that sounds like bullying or harassment, please do two things: 1. Reinforce the strategies suggested above. 2. Call the school to report the situation. Since a high percentage of incidents are covert, the school adults may not be aware of a bullying situation. By contacting us, you will be helping take actions that will help create a supportive and inclusive environment. Your involvement means so much to our teachers, staff, and community!
If you suspect bullying, please reach out to your students grade level admisistrator and let us know.
6th Grade - Nancy Chewning nchewning@rcps.us
7th Grade - Paul Lineburg plineburg@rcps.us
8th Grade - Carina Hughes chughes@rcps.us