Norseman GOLD Info
Norsemen GOLD
This school year Northside Middle School has implemented a new initiative called Norsemen GOLD. This is a school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports program that encourages students to focus on academics, follow school expectations, and treat others with respect. We know that when good behavior and good teaching come together, our students will excel in their learning. We are proud to be a part of Roanoke County’s initiative to implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports throughout the school system.
As part of our Norsemen GOLD initiative, we have established several clear expectations and rules for the behavior expected in all areas of our school. We are explicitly teaching these expectations to the students and acknowledge them frequently with positive comments and incentives for their great behavior. The expectations for all student behavior is clear throughout our building and grounds, cafeteria, gymnasium, restrooms, and classrooms. You should be able to ask your student, “What are the rules in your school?” “How do you follow those rules?” “What happens when a teacher sees you following the rules?” A Behavior
Matrix, which explains appropriate behavior throughout the school , is included on page 4 of this newsletter.
Our school expectations and rules help provide for a safer school environment and give more time for instruction. We apply consistent consequences and positive reinforcement for all kids. By defining every expected behavior and teaching to kids in a positive way, we provide a common language for everyone in our building, including students, teachers, front office staff, paraprofessionals, families, and the community.
We believe that by helping students practice good behavior, we will build a school community where all students have an environment where they can succeed and grow.
We would like your input and your involvement. Please contact us at school if you have any questions or need further information. Thank you for your support of Norsemen GOLD!