Northside Middle School Football
Thank you for your interest in joining the Northside Middle School Football Team for the 2024 School Year. My name is Austin Fisher, and I am the head coach for the team. You can contact me at my email at or cell at 540-525-9075 for any questions you may have.
We will hold open fields throughout the summertime on the back field of NMS. They will be held on Mondays from 6:00-7:30 pm. All dates are attached. It is important to attend these sessions if you are planning on playing. We will go over receiver routes, lineman steps, and condition in preparation for the season. It is not mandatory to attend, but it is highly suggested. If there were to be bad weather on any of these days, we would go in the gym. Open field dates will never be cancelled. This will help all players in preparation for the season. If you will not be able to attend on certain dates, please let me know ahead of time.
All players will have a team fee to play. The team fee price consists of a T-Shirt, Shorts, and Mouthpiece for each player. All other equipment consisting of a helmet, shoulder pads, girdle, practice pants & jersey, knee pads, and belt are also provided by the team. The price for the team fee for the 2024 season is $60. You will not pay for this until equipment pickup, which will be held July 29th at 6:00. Arrive to the back of NMS where open fields are held.
The NHS football team holds weightlifting for all players on Mon, Tues, and Thurs for anyone that would like to attend. For any information regarding the NHS program, you can find it on their Facebook. For all information regarding our program at NMS, please sign up for the 2024 Football Remind Me text. There is a new Remind Me class each season. I will send out any information you need to know through that. Here is how to join: text this number 81010 with the phrase @ftball2024.
Practice will begin on July 29th. All players are expected to be there. Please take your vacations before the season starts. Missing practice at the beginning of the year will put your player behind tremendously. All players must have three practices in helmet and two in shoulder pads & helmets before going full pads. Throughout the season, there will be no Saturday practices.
Key Dates: Open Field (OF)
May 20th: OF 6:00 - 7:30 pm on back field.
May 27th: None – First week of summer
June 3rd: OF 6:00 - 7:30 pm on back field.
June 10th: OF 6:00 - 7:30 pm on back field.
June 17th: OF 6:00 - 7:30 pm on back field.
June 24th: OF 6:00 - 7:30 pm on back field.
July 1st: None – July 4th week (VHSL dead week)
July 8th: OF 6:00 - 7:30 pm on back field.
July 15th: OF 6:00- 7:30 pm on back field
July 22nd: OF 6:00-7:30 pm on back field
July 25th: EQUIPMENT PICK UP 6:00 - 7:00 pm. *Mandatory to attend*
July 29th: FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE 3:30-5:45 pm *Mandatory to attend*
Practices will begin at 3:30. Please arrive ahead of time to have time to get prepared for practice. Players who are not in their stretching lines at 3:30 will be considered late.
*All players must have a 2024 VHSL athletic physical and it must be completed and signed to be able to participate in open fields. You can find the most recent physical form on the NMS website or the VHSL website. They are also located in the front office. Please make sure it is the most recent form and is completed before turning in. You can turn this form into myself at open field or into the front office at NMS. I would recommend on waiting to get this done until before the start of open field or the summer so it can last all year for other sports.*
There is a free physical screening on Saturday, May 18th, at 1:00 pm for Northside Middle School students. This will be held at 2331 Franklin Road.