Business Education
Grade 6
Students are introduced to a variety of business computer applications, computer terminology, multimedia devices, and graphics through a project approach. The areas covered will reinforce SOL computer/technology standards.
Grade 7
Students are introduced to a variety of computer applications. Students will work on flyers, brochures, and newsletters. The areas covered will reinforce SOL computer/technology standards. Students will participate in FBLA activities.
Grade 8
Students develop a touch keyboarding skill as they learn to key accurately and efficiently. Students will also produce documents such as Business Letters, Reports, Tables, and MLA Reports The final grade is calculated as follows: last 9 weeks’ average at 90% and the final exam at 10%. Students will participate in FBLA activities.
This is a custom app called Site Shortcuts which does not exist in Composer elements. Please work with your Client Enablement Consultant or join a Best Practice Workshop on how to add the content using Composer best practices.