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Family and Consumer Science

Family and Consumer Science

Grade 6

Exploring Work and Family Roles 6 provides students the opportunity to explore Family and Consumer Sciences.  This course includes instruction in the following:  development of independent living skills and positive self-concepts; understanding personal growth and development; and the role of relationships with peers and family members in developing contributing members in the home, school, and community.


Grade 7

Exploring Work and Family Roles 7 reinforces and builds upon what students learn in the interest block program; however, the interest block program is not a mandatory prerequisite for this class.  This course includes instruction in the following:  development of independent living skills and positive self-concepts; understanding personal growth and development; and the role of relationships with peers and family members in developing contributing members in the home, school, and community.


Grade 8

Teen Living - The emphasis of this course is on the young consumer in the home.  Topics include developing one’s potential as a family member, creating career awareness, and developing quality in family living through “hands-on” work experiences.  Individual projects are required based on personal and family needs.  Students are encouraged to participate in FCCLA activities.

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Debrorah Poff