Technology Education
Grade 6
As a part of the interest block program, this curriculum is not only hands-on and fun, but highly relevant to students’ everyday lives. The goal is to give students a thorough and practical understanding of the importance of technology in both today’s and tomorrow’s world. Introduction to Technology is offered as the first Technology Education experience for middle school students. Students will study the basic elements of all technology, including processes, energy, information, and people. The four primary systems of technology provide the context for the study of technological systems (i.e., communication, construction, manufacturing, and transportation). Students will be introduced to the modular Synergistics program offered in the seventh and eighth grades.
Grade 7
Technological Systems 7 is an 18-week course designed to further students’ knowledge of the world of technology around them. This experience builds upon what they have learned in the interest block program; however, it is not mandatory that they have had that class. Students will rotate through several 7-day modules which may include applied physics, audio broadcasting, computer graphics and animation, digital design, digital manufacturing, electronics, energy, power and mechanics, engineering bridges, engineering towers, flight technology, graphic communications, robotics, research and design, rocketry and space technology.
Grade 8
Introduction to Photography is a beginner’s look at black and white and/or digital photography. In this 18-week course, students will have the opportunity to learn camera basics along with how computers are used in the field of photography. This exciting hands-on class will allow students to see how rapidly this area of technology continues to change.
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